Lance Drury and His Fellow Attorneys Provide the Proven Strategies to Help You Protect and Defend Your Business, Family and Wealth.

As a Missouri native, Lance Drury possesses that unique quality only present in those who choose to live their lives in the state of their birth—a complete and personal investment in the lives of the people of his community. By creating a local presence in Ste. Genevieve, Columbia, and Southeast Missouri, Lance brings 28 years of legal experience to the area.

The Law Office of Lance R. Drury, P.C.
234 Market Street, Ste. Genevieve, MO 63670
Telephone: (573) 883-3056
Facsimile: (573) 883-3095

Satellite Office
3610 Buttonwood Drive, Suite 200
Columbia, MO 65201
Telephone: (573) 886-8928